ISSN 2305-6894

XPS investigation of adsorption protective layers based on industrial inhibited oil

  • , , and
1 Institution of Science “Udmurt Federal Research Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, 34, Tatyana Baramzina St., Izhevsk, 426067, Russian Federation
2 Udmurt State University, 1, Universitetskaya St., bld. 1, off. 240, Izhevsk, 426034, Russian Federation
3 M.T. Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, 7, Studencheskaya St., Izhevsk, 426069, Russian Federation

Abstract: The X-ray photoelectron spectra of steel surface covered with a protective layer of industrial oil with different content of nitrated oil as an inhibiting additive have been studied in the temperature range from room temperature to 200°C. It has been shown that the formation of a strong protective layer takes place due to the formation of donor–acceptor bonds between iron and nitrogen atoms. Upon the action of temperature on a sample in the spectrometer chamber (in vacuum) with simultaneous recording the X-ray photoelectron spectra, no changes in the character of the bond of the protective layer and substrate have been revealed. Corrosion tests show that after heating of the samples in a muffle furnace, strengthening of the protective layer and improvement of its protective properties take place. The corrosion rate of the layers containing nitrated oil decreases by a factor of 1.5–2.5 in comparison with that of the layers containing the standard conservation lubricant K-17.

Keywords: X-Ray photoelectron (XPS) spectra, interatomic interaction, protective layer, nitrated oil

Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib., , 9, no. 3, 903-911 PDF (384 K)
doi: 10.17675/2305-6894-2020-9-3-6

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Back to this issue content: 2020, Vol. 9, Issue 3 (pp. 780-1141)