N-Substituted unusual amino acids as corrosion inhibitors. Part IV: N-Acyl derivatives of unnatural amino acids with double bond
- J. Telegdi1,2
1 Óbuda University, Faculty of Light Industry and Environmental Engineering, Doberdó u. 6., 1034 Budapest, Hungary
2 Department of Interfaces and Surface Modification, Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Magyar tudósok körútja 2, 1117 Budapest, HungaryAbstract: Corrosion inhibition efficiency of unusual phenyl alanine derivatives (substituted in the phenyl ring and double bond in the side chain) were investigated in neutral aqueous solution by weight loss test and by atomic force microscopy. The influence of the substituents in the phenyl ring as well as of the double bond was elucidated and explained. The effect of electrophilic or nucleophilic groups in the phenyl ring was demonstrated by efficacy and roughness parameters
Keywords: phenylalanine derivatives, corrosion inhibitor, nucleophilic and electrophilic substituents in the phenyl ring, double bond
Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib., , 5, no. 4, 360–366 PDF (350 K)
doi: 10.17675/2305-6894-2016-5-4-6
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Back to this issue content: 2016, Vol. 5, Issue 4 (pp. 282–375)