ISSN 2305-6894

Corrosion issues in electronic equipments – an overview

  • , , , , , and
1 PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul, India
2 AMET University, Kanathur, East Coast Road, Chennai, India
3 PG Department of Chemistry, MV Muthia Government Arts College for Women, Dindigul, India
4 Corrosion Research Centre, St. Antony’s College of Arts and Sciences for Women, Thamaraipadi, Dindigul, India
5 Vice Chancellor, Pondicherry University, Puduchcherru, India
6 School of Mechanical Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, India

Abstract: Corrosion-induced failures are frequent in electronics products used in industrial environments. Now even in environments previously considered relatively benign with regard to electronics, serious corrosion problems are experienced as a direct result of RoHS (Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment) compliance. The very often used metals and alloys in electronic devices include aluminum, gold, copper, silver, tin, lead and their alloys. In electronic circuits the metals and alloys undergo various corrosion processes such as atmospheric corrosion, galvanic corrosion, electrolytic migration and fretting corrosion. Electronic products plays an un-replaceable role in recent society. But an increase in the number of people in the world having health problems caused by electromagnetic radiation pollution. Data obtained from sensors are useful in controlling corrosion of concrete. Climate changes which increase the levels of relative humidity and temperature, and thus causes corrosion in the industry and generates economic losses, which reduces competitiveness in the electronics industry in any region. Electroplated zinc finishes have been connected with the electronics industry for numerous years as a result of their outstanding corrosion resistance and moderately low cost. They are normally applied onto ferrous products to make available corrosion protection in a range of different environments. However, the formation of spontaneously grown whiskers on zinc-electroplated components, which are capable of resulting in electrical shorting or other destructive effects, can be highly challenging for the reliability of long life electrical and electronic equipment. The corrosion product creeps onto the solder mask surface and causes short circuits between the adjacent pads and traces. Creep corrosion of electronic assemblies is a growing problem. Commonly seen in harsh environments, the failures result from the formation of copper sulfide films on Printed Circuit Board assemblies in short period of time. Electronic control apparatus has been used for several decades to control processes and improve yields in the pulp and paper industry. Many electronic equipment manufacturers have changed from lead solder to other technologies which are more susceptible to gaseous corrosion. These types of connections can fail rapidly in mild and moderate environments, beforehand thought to cause troubles only after long periods of time.

Keywords: electronic equipments, corrosion, galvanic corrosion, fretting corrosion, metals and alloys in electronic equipments

Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib., , 8, no. 4, 799-815 PDF (526 K)
doi: 10.17675/2305-6894-2019-8-4-2

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Back to this issue content: 2019, Vol. 8, Issue 4 (pp. 760-1188)