ISSN 2305-6894

Corrosion behavior of shape memory alloy Fe-Mn-Si-Ni-Cr in chloride solution and simulated concrete pore solution

  • , , , , , , , ,
Research Center for Metallurgy, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Kawasan Sains dan Teknologi (KST) B.J Habibie, South Tangerang, 15340, Indonesia

Abstract: Fe-Mn-Si-Ni-Cr steel is regarded as a shape memory material for reinforced pre-stressed structures due to its recovery strain and mechanical and corrosion properties. The microstructure and its correlation with the corrosion behavior of a shape memory alloy Fe-14.3Mn-3.85Si-10.56Cr-8.25Ni Mn-Si-Ni-Cr with varied C content were investigated in the present research. The electrochemical alloy was tested in 3.5% NaCl and simulated pore concrete (SCP) solution. The results showed that the Fe-Mn-Si-Ni-Cr alloy has an austenitic phase generated during the rolling+cold drawing+solution treatment procedure. The C content plays a significant role in forming an annealing twin, a slight precipitate, and ε-martensite. The carbide precipitate increased, and the pre-martensite and twin annealing reduced as the C concentration in the SMA Fe-Mn-Si-Ni-Cr increased to 0.4%. By generating a passive layer, the increase in C also led to the positive shift in Ecorr, with corrosion rates of 99.5674 µm/year (in 3.5% NaCl) and 1.3824 µm/year (in SCP solution). In NaCl solution, Fe-Mn-Si-Ni-Cr enriched in C content provide higher solution resistance (2.593 Ω·cm2), film resistance (341.85 Ω·cm2), and charge-transfer resistance (962.586 kΩ·cm2) than others. Surprisingly, the SCP solution has more resistance than the NaCl solution. At SCP solution, all specimen showed a more vigorous resistance in the inner passive layer than in the outer passive layer. Localized corrosion was observed in all samples subjected to NaCl solution.

Keywords: corrosion, Fe-Mn-Si-Ni-Cr, shape memory alloy, simulated concrete pore solution

Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib., , 12, no. 4, 1392-1407
doi: 10.17675/2305-6894-2023-12-4-2

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Back to this issue content: 2023, Vol. 12, Issue 4 (pp. 1365-2495)