I.N. Zin
Ivan N. Zin, Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of Department of Physical and Chemical Methods of Corrosion Protection, Doctor of Sciences.
Mailing address: 79060, Ukraine. Lviv, Naukova Str., 5.
In 1983 I. Zin graduated from Mechanical Engineering Department of the Lviv Agricultural Institute. In 1983–86 He studied at the graduate school of Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (KPMI). In 1989 he defended a PhD thesis and in 2002 – a Doctoral thesis on specialty 05.17.14 – Chemical Resistance of Materials and Corrosion Protection. In 2001–2002 he has obtained a visiting fellowship at Corrosion and Protection Centre of University of The University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) supported by the Royal Society. He works at KPMI as Head of Department of Physical and Chemical Methods of Corrosion Protection. I. Zin is the author of 170 scientific publications, including 80 articles in leading international and national journals and more than 15 patents. He is a member of Editorial boards of Physico-Chemical Mechanics of Materials (Ukraine), Corrosion Engineering, and Science and Technology (UK).