ISSN 2305-6894

G. Schmitt

IMG_30112015_180721Günther Schmitt, Institute for Maintenance and Corrosion Protection Technology (IFINKOR) gGmbH, Prof. Dr. habil.


Mailing address: Kalkofen, 4 D-58638, Iserlohn, Germany.


G. Schmitt graduated from the University of Cologne and the Aachen University of Technology.
1971: PhD Thesis on homogeneous catalysis with organometallic compounds, Doctor of Natural Science at the Aachen University of Technology.
1978: Habilitation in “Chemical Engineering” and venia legendi in Technical Chemistry/Chemical Engineering at the Aachen University of Technology; Assistant Professor at the Institute of Technical Chemistry and Petroleum Chemistry, Aachen University of Technology.
1983–1985: Professor for Technical Chemistry at the University of Bochum, Germany.
1986–2007: Professor for Corrosion and Corrosion Protection at the Iserlohn University of Applied Sciences, Iserlohn, Germany; Head of the Laboratory for Corrosion Protection.
since 2005: Chief Executive Officer of IFINKOR – Institute for Maintenance and Corrosion Protection Technologies n.p.Ltd., Iserlohn, Germany.
G. Schmitt has published more than 270 publications in the fields of Chemistry and Corrosion & Corrosion Protection.
1995–2004: Co-Founder and Past President of the German Society for Corrosion Protection.
1999: Scientific Chairman of EUROCOR’99.
1982–1993: Chairman of the WG F5 (Materials performance in waters and soil, Corrosion Inhibitors), Chairman of the task group “Oil field inhibitors” (WG F5), coordinator in the joint industry research project “Corrosion in process waters” (WG G6) in the research program “Corrosion and Corrosion Protection” of the German Federal Minister for Science and Technology.
since 1990: German delegate in the International Corrosion Council (ICC).
German delegate and active member in working groups of the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC): WG 1 on Corrosion and Scale Inhibitors (Chairman; member since 1976), WG on Corrosion Education (member since 1978), WG13: Oil and Gas Corrosion (member since 1990), WG 19 on Polymer Corrosion (Co-Founder and Vice chairman).
Organizer of 5-days International Course in Theory and Practice of “Corrosion Inhibitors”, held 1986, 1988, 1993, 1996 and 2001 at DECHEMA, Frankfurt/Main.
Convenor of ISO TC67 WG7 “Materials for use in H2S environments in oil and gas production” (ISO 15156/NACE MR0175 and ISO 23936) and chairman of the Maintenance Agency of ISO 15156.
Member of major German associations in the field of Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Chemical Engineering and Corrosion (AGEF, DECHEMA, DGMK, DGO, GDCh, GfKORR, VDI).
Member of international organizations: NACE International (NACE Fellow), ISE, ECS.
Past Member of the Board of Directors in the Association of Electrochemical Research Institutions (AGEF).
Past Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Society of German Engineers (VDI) – Subgroup Materials Technology.
Member of the Scientific Council of the Association of Industrial Research Institutions (AiF), Germany.
Member of the Coordination Council for Corrosion Research (Kuratorium Korrosionsforschung der AiF) in Germany.
Member of the International Advisory Board of the corrosion journals “Materials and Corrosion“(Germany) and “Corrosion Engineering, Sience and Technology” (UK).
Member in the Management Committees of three European COST Programs: COST 520 “Biofilms” (1997–2002), COST F2 “Electrochemical Flow measurements” (1999–2003), COST D33 “Materials and Microorganisms” (2005 ff).
Award (2011): European Corrosion Medal of the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC).
ICC Members 2014 Germany.


G. Schmitt is an expert in Corrosion, corrosion protection, surface modification (Corrosion and corrosion protection in production, transport and processing of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas), sweet (CO2) and sour (H2S) gas corrosion, hydrogen induced corrosion, flow-influenced corrosion, interface/interphase phenomena, electrochemistry, corrosion monitoring, inhibition, organic coatings, electroless alloy plating, temporary corrosion protection, failure analysis and trouble shooting.