Corrosion inhibitors of alloys and metals in acidic solution: A bibliometric analysis from 2010 to 2022
- A. Elyoussfi1, H. Outada2, J. Isaad3, H. Lrhoul4, A. Salhi5 and A. Dafali1
1 Laboratory of Applied Chemistry and Environment (LCAE), Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University Mohamed I, Po. Box 717, 60000 Oujda, Morocco
2 University Mohammed Premier, Operational Research and Applied Statistics Team (ROSA), 60046 Oujda, Morocco
3 ERCI2A, FSTH, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, Morocco
4 School of Information Sciences, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Rabat, Morocco
5 Applied Chemistry Research Unit, FSTH, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, MoroccoAbstract: Corrosion poses a significant challenge in terms of its economic, environmental, safety, and public health impacts. The available data indicate that the losses attributed to corrosion are substantial, with annual costs reaching billions of dollars across several industries, including but not limited to, the oil and gas, aviation, maritime, and agricultural sectors. Furthermore, corrosion is an ongoing process that affects the longevity and effectiveness of structures, equipment, and industrial installations. Overall, corrosion is a major issue that demands effective preventative measures to safeguard materials from its harmful effects and minimize the resulting economic and environmental losses. Of the various strategies available for preventing or mitigating the degradation or devaluation of metal surfaces, the utilization of corrosion inhibitors (CIs) represents one of the most formidable approaches for safeguarding metal surfaces against the pernicious effects of corrosion. Due to its accessibility and cost-effectiveness, this methodology has gained considerable traction and is rapidly ascending in popularity. This bibliometric analysis focuses on research in the field of corrosion inhibitors (CIs), examining the growth, distribution, and impact of publications over the past few decades. A total of 13161 publications were retrieved from the Scopus database between 2010 and 2022. The results reveal a remarkable exponential growth in research on CIs, with the largest number of publications originating from China, India, and Morocco, underscoring the importance of greater collaboration and knowledge-sharing among researchers worldwide. This bibliometric study provides valuable insights into the current state of research on CIs, identifying areas with potential for growth and development in this important field.
Keywords: bibliometric analysis, corrosion inhibitors, VOSviewer, Scopus database
Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib., , 12, no. 2, 722-740
doi: 10.17675/2305-6894-2023-12-2-19
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