ISSN 2305-6894

Regularities of oilfield pipeline leak rate variation in time

A. N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii pr. 31, Moscow, 119071 Russian Federation

Abstract: The dependence of the rate of corrosion-related oilfield pipeline leaks on operation time is analyzed. It is shown theoretically that the oilfield pipeline leak rate first increases and then decreases after reaching a maximum. The validity of this conclusion is demonstrated using data on the leak rate at various oilfield pipeline types

Keywords: oilfield pipelines, leak rate, corrosion inhibition

Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib., , 3, no. 2, 101–104 PDF (462 K)
doi: 10.17675/2305-6894-2014-3-2-101-104

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Back to this issue content: 2014, Vol. 3, Issue 2 (pp. 78–148)