Residual protective effect of some intermediates in polyvinylpyrrolidone production
- N. A. Belousova,* V. P. Grigor’ev and E. V. Plekhanova, V. P. Grigor’ev and E. V. Plekhanova
Southern Federal University, Zorge st. 7, Rostov-on-Don, 344090 Russian FederationAbstract: The regularities of changes in the residual protective effect (RPE) of wastes of polyvinylpyrrolidone production on the acid corrosion of steel were investigated. The duration of RPE increases with increasing duration of pre-adsorption. It was shown that the duration of the RPE (τ) is a function of the additive concentration in the pre-adsorption solution.
Keywords: inhibitor, corrosion of steel, residual protective effect, near-electrode concentration, effective activation energy
Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib., , 4, no. 1, 49-56 PDF (530 K)
doi: 10.17675/2305-6894-2015-4-1-049-056
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