Laboratory assessment of the efficiency of corrosion inhibitors at oilfield pipelines of the West Siberia region. I. Objective setting
- I. S. Sivokon1 and N. N. Andreev2
1 OJSC Transenergostroi, Derbenevskaya nab. 7, bldg. 10, Moscow, 115114 Russian Federation
2 A. N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii pr. 31, Moscow, 119071 Russian FederationAbstract: This paper starts a series of publications dealing with the laboratory assessment of the performance of corrosion inhibitors for oilfield pipelines. Typical corrosion and inhibitor protection conditions in oilfield pipelines of the West Siberia region and existing approaches to the laboratory simulation of corrosion situations in oilfield pipelines are discussed. The simulation conditions and capabilities of laboratory test methods are compared.
Keywords: corrosion inhibitors, corrosion tests, oilfield pipelines
Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib., , 1, no. 1, 65-79 PDF (1 319 K)
doi: 10.17675/2305-6894-2012-1-1-065-079
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