Laboratory assessment of corrosion inhibitors effectiveness at oilfield pipelines of West Siberian region. III. Bubble test
- N. N. Andreev1, N. G. Anufriev1 and I. S. Sivokon2
1 A. N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii pr. 31, Moscow, 119071 Russian Federation
2 OJSC Transenergostroi, Derbenevskaya nab. 7, bldg. 10, Moscow, 115114 Russian FederationAbstract: This article continues a series of publications dedicated to lab assessment of carbon dioxide corrosion inhibitors efficiency at the oilfield pipelines of West Siberian region. Results of the bubble test are reviewed. The effect of temperature, test duration, condition of the specimen surface, the presence of a hydrocarbon phase, and concentration of inhibitors on corrosion rate and protective properties of a wide range of commercial inhibitors are analyzed. Recommendations on specific test conditions to assess the applicability of inhibitors for protection of water lines and oil pipelines with low watercut are given.
Keywords: corrosion inhibitors, test methods, oilfield pipelines
Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib., , 2, no. 1, 17-29 PDF (867 K)
doi: 10.17675/2305-6894-2013-2-1-017-029
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