ISSN 2305-6894

Influence of melting and casting conditions on the structure and properties of sacrificial anodes

  • and
1 Vladimir State University, ul. Gor’kogo, 87, Vladimir, 600000 Russian Federation
2 COR/SCI, LLC, 6421 Dorset Ln., Solon, OH 44139, USA

Abstract: Broad application of aluminum, magnesium and zinc alloys used for production of cast galvanic anodes (GA) is well known in the systems for corrosion protection of metal constructions and structures in sea water, soil, etc. The main requirement of the standards for various brands of protective alloys is their chemical composition (content of alloying components and maximum permissible concentrations of major cathodic impurity elements) that defines the electrochemical properties of alloys (working potential, current output and capacity). In terms of industrial production any deviations of technological parameters for melting and casting, found in various combinations, have a negative impact on both content of the non-regulated impurity elements (dissolved hydrogen, oxide inclusions, etc.) and on the structural homogeneity of cast anodes. This explains the conflicting data about the effectiveness of individual cast anodes made from one alloy grade and even one melting. Based on theoretical and experimental research, the role of metallurgical (provision of specified chemical composition and purity of alloys) and technological (ensuring homogeneous cast structure) factors in changing the quality of cast anodes was found. To provide specified and stable protective properties of aluminum, magnesium and zinc sacrificial anodic alloys technological processes of melting and casting were developed, which take into account the physicochemical nature of alloys, as well as design, weight and dimensions of the cast anodes. Presented are the main properties of modified sacrificial anodic alloys in sea water and soil.

Keywords: magnesium, aluminum, zinc, alloys, contaminants, microstructure, metallurgy, anodes, cathodic protection, sea water, soil, production

Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib., , 6, no. 4, 359-371 PDF (1 551 K)
doi: 10.17675/2305-6894-2017-6-4-1

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Back to this issue content: 2017, Vol. 6, Issue 4 (pp. 359–503)