Hydrocarbon-soluble inhibitors of metal corrosion. Part 3. Dependence of the inhibitive efficiency and adsorptivity of oleic acid amides and salts on their physicochemical parameters
- A.I. Altsybeeva, E.A. Tronova and V.V. Burlov
OOO NPO NEPhTEKhIM, ul. Pulkovskaya 10, St. Petersburg, 196158 Russian FederationAbstract: Correlation analysis of the dependence of the inhibitive efficiency (determined from electrochemical measurement data) and adsorption capability (determined from the changes in the junction potential difference upon formation of an adsorption film on a metal from inhibitor solutions) on the physicochemical parameters has been performed for a number of amides and salts obtained from the same amines and differing in the number and arrangement of nitrogen atoms in the molecules. A prediction is given for the efficiency of a mono-substituted piperazine amide – a corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel and copper.
Keywords: correlation analysis, efficiency prediction, oleic acid amides and salts
Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib., , 5, no. 1, 50–58 PDF (815 K)
doi: 10.17675/2305-6894-2016-5-1-4
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