ISSN 2305-6894

Application of low field nuclear magnetic resonance technique to characterize the mass transfer of corrosion inhibitors in concrete

  • , ,
School of Civil Engineering, Yantai University, Yantai, 264005, China

Abstract: A green aqueous product named PCI-2016 has been developed by using multicompound and chelate-induced techniques recently. The mass transfer process of the product in concrete by using low field nuclear magnetic resonance technique was carried out. The one-dimensional saturated capillary absorption experiment of specimens immersed in PCI-2016 were carried out. The variation of the absorbed mass and penetrating height of the PCI-2016 with time was observed. The results indicated that the absorbed mass and penetrating height of PCI-2016 increased with the increase of time, and the initial growth rate in 24h is the larger and then tends to gentle. The saturation of PCI-2016 in test block at different ages and positions was calculated by frequency coding which is collected by using low field nuclear magnetic resonance experiment. The variation of PCI-2016 saturation at different depths from the surface with time can also be calculated by the modified MCI transport model. Compared with the results, the numerical results are in good agreement with the experimental results. So the low field nuclear magnetic resonance can be used to measure the transport process of PCI-2016 in cement-based materials. It provided a reference for characterizing the mass transfer process of corrosion inhibitor in concrete.

Keywords: modified transfer model, low field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), one dimensional saturated capillary absorption, migrating corrosion inhibitor (MCI)

Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib., , 8, no. 1, 84-92 PDF (648 K)
doi: 10.17675/2305-6894-2019-8-1-8

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Back to this issue content: 2019, Vol. 8, Issue 1 (pp. 1-149)