Application of coupons made of metal galvanic couples for corrosion monitoring and estimation of the efficiency of inhibitors
- I.S. Sivokon1 and E.I. Sivokon2
1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Leninsky Pr., 65, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Northeastern University (undergraduate student), 360 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115, USAAbstract: Cylindrical coupons made of carbon steel with an offset potential and containing metallized inserts and coverings were gravimetrically analyzed. The analysis was carried out using steel 20 samples and 4 combinations of noble metals samples and alloys in models of formation water containing carbon dioxide with different concentrations of NaCl. The influence of the presence of inserts in the cassette of cylinders made of noble metals and alloys on the background corrosion rate and the efficiency of the corrosion inhibitors (CI) was evaluated. Studies have shown that the presence of inserts made of more noble metals in the Coupons cassette increases the corrosion rate determined by the gravimetric method, and the efficiency of the CI significantly reduces. The obtained results indicate that there exists a field of application of coupons composed of various galvanic metal couples necessary for monitoring the effectiveness and selecting optimal dosages of CIs while taking into account measurements of the protective effect in areas with increased corrosion.
Keywords: galvanic metal couple, corrosion inhibitor, corrosion, gravimetric analysis, coupons, carbon dioxide, oil pipelines
Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib., , 10, no. 3, 900-910
doi: 10.17675/2305-6894-2021-10-3-4
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Back to this issue content: 2021, Vol. 10, Issue 3 (pp. 851-1354)