ISSN 2305-6894

S.M. Reshetnikov

ReshetnikovSergey Maksimоvich Reshetnikov, Udmurt State University, Doctor of Sciences, Professor.


Mailing address: Udmurt State University, Chair of Fundamental and Applied Chemistry, Universitetskaya str. 1, 426034 Izhevsk, Russian Federation.


In 1963, S.M. Reshetnikov graduated from the Chemistry Department of Kazakh State University. In 1966, he defended his PhD thesis in chemistry. In 1963–1971 he was Head of laboratory at Research Institute for Motor Transport. Since 1972, he was Assistant Professor, Dean of the Chemistry Department of Udmurt State University, and in 1978–1996 he was a vice principal there. In 1988 hedefendedhisDoctoraldissertationinchemistry. In 1996–2001 he was the chairman of the Committee for science and higher education at Udmurt Republic Government. From 2007 and until now, he has been Professor at the Chair of Physical and Organic Chemistry, currently Chair of Fundamental and Applied Chemistry. S.M. Reshetnikov was awarded the titles of honor: “USSR Inventor” in 1974,  “Honored scientist of Udmurt Republic” in 1990 , and “Honored worker of higher professional education of Russian Federation” in 2000. S.M. Reshetnikov is an author or co-author of over 500 publications, including the monograph “Inhibitors of acid corrosion of metals,” and 50 inventions. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Fizika, khimiya poverkhnosti i zashchita materialov” (Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, in Russian).


S.M. Reshetnikov is an expert in electrochemistry and corrosion of metals, corrosion inhibitors in various media and their mechanisms of action, and high-energy methods for metal treatment for creation of protective layers.