Material balance of corrosion inhibitors. Distribution at lab testing and field application
- I. S. Sivokon
OJSC Transenergostroi, Derbenevskaya nab. 7, bldg. 10, Moscow, 115114 Russian FederationAbstract: This article may produce an impression that it deals with low priority issues of pipelines corrosion inhibitor protection processes and corrosion inhibitors (CI) lab testing techniques. However, it is proved that clear understanding of CI active molecules location makes it possible to identify the causes of CI inefficiency and can be used to produce recommendations to adjust lab testing and CI efficiency evaluation techniques. Inadequate attention paid to the CI distribution material balance may result in:
– Wrong choice of CIs at lab tests
– Excessive or insufficient concentration selection to ensure required protective action at field applications
A series of recommendations is proposed by the author based on a discussion and review of the cases described in the article. Research guidelines are proposed as knowledge of CI properties is essential to overcome current shortcomings.Keywords: corrosion inhibitors, testing techniques, oilfield pipelines
Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib., , 2, no. 2, 102-114 PDF (630 K)
doi: 10.17675/2305-6894-2013-2-2-102-114
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Back to this issue content: 2013, Vol. 2, Issue 2 (pp. 82-161)